
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Scores under 600 will typically “red flag”

Scores under 600 will typically “red flag” a lender or other reviewer. A poor credit score.
implies that you have a history of repeatedly paying bills late (or not paying at all). It.
could also mean that you repeatedly misuse your credit (by overextending credit limits,.
for example). A poor score may not completely shut you out of obtaining credit, but it.
means that you will have to pay much more for the credit that you do get. .
Here is an example that illustrates how important it is to escape a poor credit score:.
Trina lives in Florida, and applies for a $300,000, 30-yr fixed rate loan. Her credit score.
is 590. She is approved for the loan at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12.452%. Her.
monthly payments are $3,191..

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