
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Children do better in school and feel more secure

Children do better in school and feel more secure: This one surprised me, but buyers have told me that their kids calmed down in school after they bought a house. I don’t know why, but it seems to work that way. I remember a single mom watching her son play in the yard and building things. She didn’t have to tell him to leave everything alone, like she did at the apartment complex. I guess kids feel the same need for control we adults do.

More control over the children than in an apartment complex

More control over the children than in an apartment complex: In a neighborhood, kids usually play in the yards or go to friend’s houses a few doors away. My clients have told me that in an apartment complex they never knew where the kids were. They could be in any of hundreds of apartments, doing who knows what. In a home you get to know the neighbors and watch out for each other’s kids.

ou can change things,

You can change things, a feeling of being in control: It’s your home. You can add to it, remodel it, change the landscaping, do whatever projects you want. You have a feeling of being in control of something in your life. At work we don’t always have control of what happens, but your home is your castle which you have dominion over. You can see what you’re building take shape before your eyes. When I lived in an apartment, I never painted the walls any color other than white and never hung any artwork in fear of having the landlord yell at me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

professionals today who have

professionals today who have 20+ years of work experience are starting virtual assistant services. With only 2 or 3 clients to keep them busy, a virtual assistant can often earn a higher income working from home versus working for an employer.
There were no payroll taxes to worry about. In some states, the services provided by virtual assistants were recorded under "office expenses" for tax purposes. Other states required the business owner to issue a 1099 at the end of the year if the virtual assistant was paid more than $600.00. But regardless of the accounting method used, a virtual assistant was much easier to keep expense records for compared to onsite employees. In fact, several business owners had stopped using their third-party payroll service when they switched over to employing virtual assistants exclusively.

There was no investment

There was no investment in additional office space for the business owner when hiring a virtual assistant. That's because the virtual assistant had already made the investment. This allowed for the possibility of expansion by utilizing more virtual assistants in the future without any additional costs of hiring additional employees.

There was no downtime to train employees. The virtual assistant was already pre-trained and already had superior experience. In fact, many

Do you often find yourself in a race against time?
Hire several virtual assistants who specialize in various services
and they will be on-call to assist you during these peak times.

The virtual assistant used time tracker software like Joomial or TimePilot

1. The virtual assistant used time tracker software like Joomial or TimePilot.Com that automatically

If you hire a virtual assistant who is located in your area,
they often provide free pick up and delivery to your office.
Some virtual assistants assist their attorney clients at court also!

tracked their time on projects so the business owner could be invoiced correctly. This way, the business owner only paid for the time the virtual assistant worked on his or her projects — unlike a salaried or hourly paid employee.
The virtual assistant used word-counters (that are built into software programs like MS Word) that automatically counted the words they typed. This again provided precision billing during transcription.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

answer (what they considered to be) unnecessary
phone calls. Needless to say, these internal problems
were beginning to create several angry clients. In fact,
one day, a client walked into the law firm and started
yelling at the top of his lungs: "I am NOT leaving until
someone talks to me about my case." This outburst
caused the other clients in the waiting room to leave in
fear, resulting in a great deal of chaos as well as a
financial loss for the law firm.


Additionally, when potential clients called into the
office to check on their case, they normally received a
voice mail instead of a live voice. Unfortunately, most
of the calls were never returned. Why? Because the
paralegals didn't have the time or the patience to

Virtual assistants take care of the everyday tasks
which allows you more time to grow and expand your law firm.

But even though the mix that made up the

But even though the mix that made up the
structure of Matt's client base was good, he still had a
major problem. His office was overloaded with so
much paperwork that files were stacked on the floor
due to the lack of space in the office. The three full-
time paralegals were also overworked and overstressed. In fact, the stress on the paralegals was so
great they were beginning to lose their patience with
the clients, even going so far as to raise their voice to
several clients — which resulted in them going to
another law firm.