
Friday, February 13, 2009

Improve the movement of female sexuality

Improve the movement of female sexuality 

Improve female sexuality 

In the 20th century 50's, according to the clinical experience of many years, the United States a well-known design of a gynecological doctor fuck pelvic movement, with its treatment of female urinary incontinence disorders, has obvious curative medicine called " contraction" or "Kay Gill movement. " 
Accident in the United States a survey found that this movement has done women, in sexual life, will not only increase my pleasure, but also feel more comfortable with sexual partners. American doctors have sexless method to treat women, but also husband and wife sex life used to guide the improvement of the same good effect. 
To " movement" based on the United States of bodybuilding experts design a wide range of pelvic movement fuck, beautiful women aims to shape the ventral hip curve, improve gender "sex" is interested, therefore, attracted a large number of American women, to become many women will make the gym's "popular gymnastics." 
Fuck the major pelvic movements are pelvic muscle exercise systolic and diastolic capacity. Pelvic muscle weakness may be the causes of sexual dysfunction. 
The first step in the pelvic movement 
To tighten and relax the muscles around the vagina. These parts of the muscles are used to inhibit the outflow of urine, women may be on their own experience, once realized that this part of the muscles and make daily contraction and relaxation movements of the 40 times to 50 times a month later, can be reduced to 20 times a day in order to maintain muscle flexibility 
The second step pelvic movement 
Pelvis to make up the basic movement and rotation. This type of movement can increase the sexual organs of the contact surface and friction, enhance pleasure. 
Exercises the pelvic movement from top to bottom the best way to 
To imagine is to wear very tight jeans, feet separated by about 30 cm, knees bent, imagine has been put on jeans, zipper up now, your pelvis forward and upward should improve, tighten the abdomen, hand on the abdomen closed below, so this position, stop for a seconds, then relax, then repeat. To do about 20 times a day until able to do so without hesitation, usually takes a day to four days. Received after the essentials, you can add a rotary movement. 
Exercises the pelvic rotation 
Standing about 30 centimeters separate legs, knees slightly bent, buttocks tighten, his arms down on either side of the body. Whole body relaxed, very slow in making up the pelvis forward, then go right to the right can no longer date, body weight on the right foot, now the left side of pelvis (the buttocks raised up), then the pelvic Go to the left pole, body weight fell on his left foot, and secondly, to make up the pelvis, buttocks contraction, and then rotate to the right, put right foot on the body weight. This week is not easy to spin, to be slowly make, you want to do an action. Rotating more than 10 exercises, and then the opposite direction to rotate the pelvis, rotating 10 times in each direction, until able to rotate 20 times so far with the music is much easier to practice. the pelvis up and down and rotating movement, like pelvic contraction and relaxation movements of the integrated use of, such training will enable women in the sex life in complete control of the pelvis, an increase of Huan Yushui. 
Integrated pelvic movement preparatory postural 
Separation of about 30 centimeters feet, knees slightly Qu, buttocks contraction, pelvis forward, on this posture, make the internal isometric exercise, then go to the right pelvis, the internal muscle relaxation. Transferred to the rear, buttocks improve internal muscle contraction again, then go to the left, to relax the internal muscles. This movement is divided into the following four activities: to move upward (contraction), right rotation (relaxation), back up (contraction), left rotation (relaxation). 
Pelvic movements are the ultimate goal of an integrated internal muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as the pelvis up and down and rotation. Initially, these two movements is not easy to coordinate. However, to do such as very slow, and each make an action on the say so loudly, and soon will be able to make two moves at the same time. The beginning of the day to do the whole rotation and folding 20 times to the second week, increased to 40 times. Two weeks later, most women can make without hesitation on the two campaigns at the same time. Proficiency in both campaigns still need to continue to practice, especially the daily practice of internal muscle contraction and relaxation of the movement can not be stopped, because in this way in order to maintain muscle flexibility. Sex life, many women will almost automatically be applied.

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