
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love starts from subtle. Infertility

Love starts from subtle. Infertility


Acquired diseases are factors, can effectively prevent the in adolescence, in marriage, as do about attention and care reproductive system, if you found infertility, can handle the incidence of infertile women will drop down.
There are many reasons for the female infertility, can be divided into three categories: implement mass lesion factors, immune factors, endocrine factors, but sometimes it or one of two kinds of reason is probably co-exist.
How to prevent the disease, early diagnosis and early treatment, how, is very important, of course, is a widespread concern. Actually, many female infertility, is really can effectively prevent.
We know that, besides the minority women because clinical congenital birth defects, most infertility occurs infertility is caused by the disease. These factors, the disease is can effectively prevent the in adolescence, in marriage, as do about attention and care reproductive system, if you found infertility, can handle the incidence of infertile women will drop down.
Sexual experience the premature susceptibility to infertility. The clinical data of women having sex, too, is not only easy to cause the reproductive system, also because of infected pill (including emergency contraception), abortion or drug abortion caused endocrine disorders, make ovulation affected. All sexual experience earlier and after marriage, and infertility check system should be as soon as possible, avoid illness, treatment effect.
Secondary levy retardation who often are predisposed to infertility. To observe their developmental situation of secondary sex characteristics, once retardation, should cause enough attention, and timely checked to the hospital. Secondary sex characteristics of development is the foundation for fertility stage, under normal circumstances, 12-14 years old female menstrual menarche, when will grow hair after breast, gradually developed uplift, if the room at age growth without physical development and change, parents should pay attention to in the body, especially when there are other abnormalities, should promptly to the hospital and the early gynaecological check-up and preventive infertility occurs.
Notice period protector is easy to infertility. During the menstrual cramps, special attention should be appropriate to rest, not acuteness activity, eating cold food, if not care, no period of the reproductive system will greatly increase the probability of infection, irregular menstration and incidence of diseases such as endometriosis, some attention often period, and health may occur vaginalitis, cervical disease, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, annex inflammation, tubal obstruction occurs, the possibility of jammed. In going to pregnant not pregnant, should be checked to the hospital as soon as possible.
Timely discovery endocrine problems. Menstruation is a reflection of the women born endocrine situation barometer, many endocrine diseases often in menstruation, from the menstrual cycle, menstrual color, menstrual quantity etc, can judge the endocrine. If the thin hair, menstrual periods amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, more than when, should promptly to the hospital. Too late, menstrual cramps often hint reproductive system development problems, After the stop, menstrual cramps often shows the endocrine abnormality, If appear serious dysmenorrhea, uterus and possible problems such as endometriosis, If the menstrual thin hair even amenorrhoea, obesity, hairy, probably polycystic ovarian syndrome. These diseases, often is the common infertile women related diseases.
Too much or too thin body fat is prone to infertility. When the body is too thin or obese, should cause after marriage cannot be pregnant. Some girls menarche late time, physically weak, menstrual cramps, after the age of 16, light-colored scanty periods, thin, or is on a diet, weight, easy to infertility occurs the female, But too obese women marry, after long time not pregnant, inability to exclude obesity reproductive syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome of diseases such as possible.

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