
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pregnant women may cause fetal alcohol low intelligence

Pregnant women may cause fetal alcohol low intelligence

Pregnant care

Life is a new breeds and pleasure of expectant mothers in nutrition, and must note drinking.
Pregnant women with fetal alcohol intoxication to make syndrome. This is typical of poisoning fetal heart and body weight, low: limbs deformity, central nervous system development, mental retardation, etc. Once somebody thinks that pregnant women to fetal moderation, only to the extent of long arouse fetal alcohol, but the newest research results of the pregnant woman, low alcohol will cause damage to the fetus. UK experts to the results of a study, four drinks per week on average women - 5 cups of wine, which would hurt fetal brain nerve, cause of childhood hyperactivity and low iqs. For the birth of a healthy baby, pregnant woman should alcohol.
This is a baby boom, young daddy and mommy hope their babies and the 2008 Olympics coming together. Want to grow healthy baby, pregnant women should be diversified, pay attention to diet nutrition. Specific said:
1, the intake of nutrients to comprehensively, enough.
2, eat much food less. Food diversification, try not to junk food.
3 fresh vegetables, fruits, and ensure the intake.
4 and guarantee of milk to drink milk, not adapt, can change the yoghurt.
5, eat less food and convenient foods. Try to eat less food curing, smoked.
6, sugar, salt, oil, and not excessive.
7 and drink carbonic acid beverage less, had better not drink tea and coffee.
8 and eating animals once or twice, liver (50 grams) each.
9 don't reduce weight, pregnancy.

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